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Friday, 14 November 2014

Checkpoint 9)Sketches and description of Masjid Ar-Raudhah

Masjid Ar- Raudah

Observations and Analysis.
> there are 2 carparks within a walking distance from the mosque ( beside it and in front of it )
   - people can easily travel by car as their mode of transport to the mosque and convenient for them
   - it is also convenient that there are 2 carparks as there is a possibility whereby some lots in the carpark are taken, hence by  having 2 carparks, it increased the chances of getting your car parked.
> there are also bus stops placed within a walking distance from the mosque
    - people, mostly residents, will also be able to travel to the mosque by bus, which adds to the variety of transports that we can take
    -  as it is within a walking distance, it would be simple for residents or people who live nearby to be able to reach the mosque in a few minutes after alighting from the bus at the bus stop.
> traffic crossing does not have an island in the middle.
   - this may risk the safety of the people, especially the elderly with breathing problems as they would be forced to rush across the whole distance of the road, not minding that they have breathing problems.
   - people may also risk their safety by rushing across the road to reach the other side within the time limit. Hence, there is a possibility whereby they may get into an accident while crossing the road.
> many housing estates/ HDB flats which are within a walking distance from the mosque
   -  residents living around this area would then be able to visit the mosque quickly by walking for a few minutes too conduct their prayers
   -  convenient for the residents to travel to the mosque up to their comfort zone
> construction works being conducted nearby the mosque
   - the construction works may cause a havoc to the people praying due to the noise pollution nearby\
   - the construction may also bring about more people to the mosque as the end product may be either an industrial office building or a housing estate.
The atmosphere in this area is lively and have a lot of people passing by as it was time for the Muslims afternoon prayers and there is a bus stop nearby. Also, there is a nearby neighbourhood which makes it convenient for the Muslims living around the area to go to the mosque to do their prayers.
if I was a elderly living near this area, It would be hard for me to rest due to the constant noise produced by the constructions, attributing to noise pollution.
sketch of masjid ar-raudah, scale is 1:600

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